Monday, August 23, 2004

through the red curtain

We've decided to lift the veil a little bit and create more of an online presence. We feel that we need to provide some background to what we're doing, and to respond to all the community interest we've gotten by giving people a place to plug in. We also have a formica table, its color is green.

So, we're creating a blog. This will give us an easy way to communicate with you about what we're doing and how we're improving our pirate signal. It will also provide a place where you can communicate with us about what you think of what we're doing.

We hope that this blog and this website will be a place for discussion around media issues in San Diego. We're happy to join the many other San Diego media activists working to send out a strong revolutionary signal to activate all the angst and joy filled antennas and transistors out there in the minds of radicals in San Diego and beyond.

Unfortunately, speech isn't free in the United States, so we'll have to keep our bandanas on until after the revolution. Until then, we'll see you in the streets and behind the barricades and we can only speak over the airwaves, so tune in to 106.9FM in San Diego.


Blogger Mad Mikey said...

I gave your 'station' a listen this morning; what utter bullshit.

I found the discussion on faking an orgasm with warm yogurt very insightful. And the topic of someone's male dog humping other dogs for dominance had me spellbound.

Who was the femme hosting the show? She came across as white trash and her vocabulary would make an Ozark bimbo cringe.

If you're going to attempt to do a radio show, at least attempt to do a semi-professional one cause what I heard was no better than listening in on a conversation with a couple of greasy douche-bags in a coffee shop in Hillcrest.

Freakin amateurs....

5:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh i'm sorry mad. have you had a lot of trouble with women faking orgasms? or are you just uncomfortable with hearing women speaking their minds in general? take your crap elsewhere, buddy.

10:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogosphere. I'll make sure to keep checking in. Wishing the signal was a little stronger over here in La Jolla ... probably not where you have the most listeners though.

- oso

3:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been listening to your station in City Heights and the signal is great! Thanks for doing this. I'm so sick of corporate radio bullshit. This is a nice refreshing change.

3:24 PM  

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